Lindström, Pär, author SFF, photographer, architect SAR/MSA emeritus, Växjö. Born 1934-03-13 in Stockholm, parents: professor architect Sune Lindström and architect Ragna Lindström née Bahnson-Rosenborg. Education: 1957-64 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 1975 Nordic Institute of Planning (Nordplan), Authorised supplier of digital images by The Association of Swedish Professional Photographers. Employment: 1962-63 Town planning department, (KTH), 1963-64 Town planning department, Swedish Co-operative Union (KF), 1964-65 architects Hidemark & Danielsson, 1965-73 and 1974-80 Office of the cabinet and ministries (investigations and reports on building legislation, on national physical planning, on energy conservation, etc.) 1973 deputy assistant under-secretary, Ministry of Housing and Planning, 1973-74 Head of advisory group to the Regional Planning Authority of Teheran, Iran, 1980-90 County architect (inspector of planning) at County Administrative Board of Kronoberg, 1990-97 projects within County Administrative Board of Kronoberg. Author of articles and books on town planning, early music and since 1990 on the Baltic states. Member of committees, etc: 1959 Board of the Student Union of the Royal Institute of Technology (secretary), 1959 and 1962 Board of the Central Organisation of the Student Unions in Stockholm, 1961-65 Housing committee of the Central Organisation of Student Unions of Stockholm (chairman 62), 1965 Chairman of the committee of the biannual Carnival of the Student Unions in Stockholm, 1961-2011 Board of Carl Gehrmans Music Publishing house, 1963-2011 Board of Inge and Einar Rosenborgs Foundation for Swedish Music (chairman 1973-2011), 1979-1998 Board of The Swedish Society of Early Music (founder, deputy chairman 79-97), Since 1993 Board of The National Swedish-Lithuanian Society. Published: Studentbostad projekteringsanvisningar (Recommendations for design of Student houses) 1964, Hushållning med Mark och Vatten (Report on National Physical Planing, SOU 1972:75) 1972, Riktlinjer i kommunöversikt (Analyses of Recommendations in Comprehensive Municipal Planning, together with Anne Robertsson) 84, Kulturhistorisk hänsyn vid vård och ändring av kyrkogårdar (Cultural Considerations when tending and making changes in churchyards) 96, Att resa i Estland (To travel in Estonia) 1994, Att resa i Lettland (To travel in Latvia) 1995, Sverige och Lettland (Sweden and Latvia) 01, Lär känna Estland (Get to know Estonia) 2007, Lär känna Lettland (Get to know Latvia) 2009. Extensive activity as lecturer and writer on town and country planning, on historical music and on history of the Baltic peoples and countries. Guide to cultural tours in the Baltic Countries. Married 1963 with Aia (Aili) Gailit, born 1933 in Tartu, Estonia, parents: Estonian writer August Gailit and opera singer Elvy Gailit, née Vaher.Two daughters. |
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